My cleaning cart

Okay, you know we’ve all done it.

We’ve been cleaning up in the living room and found a brush; so we march off to the bathroom to put the brush away.

While in the bathroom notice we’re out of TP; so you run off to get some TP.

Then, while in the garage getting in to my TP storage, I notice a scoop I was missing.

I pick up the scoop and take it in to the kitchen and notice the dishes are undone.

Sooooo I start the dishes.

Meanwhile, the living room never got picked up  and I’m looking around thinking nothing ever gets completed. Then it’s too late to do anything about it and  I have to run off to work and nothing got done. Except maybe the dishes if I’m lucky.

So, I came up with this nifty cart idea. It’s just a simple cart on wheels that folds flat. I got the idea while watching maid service at a hotel. They never have to run off to put something away or pick something up. Everything they need is right there with them.

The reason it works so well for me is that I never have to leave the room I’m in. I have everything I need right there. I tied a laundry bag on one side, a recycling bag on the other and a garbage bag on the back (not pictured). My cleaning supplies are in the hand tote.  I take out the tote when I get to the room I’m cleaning and use the basket to gather anything that doesn’t belong in that room. It really is quite efficient. When I get to the next room I take out anything I gathered in the basket that belongs in that room and drop it off then proceed to clean, gather, sort and move on.

Oh and one last tip. EMPTY the cart and hang it back up when you’re done. I’ve spent plenty of time looking for something I put in that cart. I just rolled the thing out the garage and dumped it off without emptying it first which is All too tempting to do. But be sure to allot enough time to empty it out and put stuff away after your last room.

Here’s a pic of the cart after a trip through my living room (pay no attention to those empty beer cans)..


  1. I would recommend this idea of cleaning cart to my office cleaning staff! They will like it carrying cleaning stuff in the cart.

  2. That’s a really good idea for keeping all your cleaning supplies att hand when cleaning your house. I know it’s going to save me a lot of time. Thanks for the idea!

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