Old Fashioned frugal gardening tips
It’s getting about that time of year for some gardening tips:
For roses, sprinkle your used coffee grounds around them
For ferns: When they start looking a bit scraggly mix some unflavored gelatin, diluted, and water them with it. Natural nitrogen.
For Tomatoes: If you have fish scraps or better yet a whole fish, plant one in a hole under your tomato plants. I have an old salmon I never used up last year in the freezer for crabbing so I think I will put it under my tomatoes.
For the best tasting tomatoes, pour a cup of beer around the roots of the plant after it blossoms. Repeat once/week until ripe.
For peppers: Put a matchbook (without cover and staple) in the bottom of the hole when planting for stronger, healthier plants.
For acid loving plants like peppers or eggplant, try a pinch of epsom salts in the hole. The magnesium helps set the blossoms while the sulfur adds acid.