Archive for May 5, 2011

WSU Extension – Master Gardeners

Did you know WSU Extension offers a really great website including gardening advice? They have a Master Gardeners section and offer information on all areas from beginning gardening to expert advice.

Here is the link.

I used this service years ago when it was available as audio tapes over the phone. I shared it with a friend who was canning pickles with me that year and we had a lot of fun.

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Frappuccino recipe

If you’re not going to make it to a Starbucks for a half price frappuccino May 6-15, then try this out at home.

1 1/2 C cold coffee
1/2 C whole milk
1/3 C granulated sugar
1 tsp chocolate syrup
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp vanilla
3 C ice

Top with whipped cream or if you want it to be even creamier, add some whipped cream to your blender. 

Blend coffee, milk, sugar, chocolate syrup and salt in blender on medium 15 seconds. Add the vanilla and ice and blend on high until smooth and creamy. I think it would be even better topped with whipped cream, but I didn’t have any on hand so I sprinkled it with chocolate powder. Yummy!

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Safeway – 2 Day Sale Wed-Thurs

Safeway is having a 2 day Cinco de Mayo Sale today and tomorrow (5/4-5/5)

Pork Shoulder Blade bone-in Roast $1.69/lb
Foster Farms Lean Ground Turkey 20oz B1G1 Free ($5.99)
(Final Price: $3ea wyb 2)
Mangos $.50ea *great price
La Tortilla Factory Tortillas $1.79
Rosarita Refried Beans $.88
Daisy Sour Cream 16 oz $1.88
Tillamook Shredded Cheese 8 oz $1.88
Pepsi 12 packs B2G2 Free ($6.99) plus get free bag Tostitos Tortilla Chips
(Final Price: $3.50ea wyb 4, plus free chips).

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